Widok Women

Widok Lublin Women
Leagues Played
Poland Cup Women 2


Poland Cup Women 11/03 18:00 - Widok Lublin Women v Resovia Rzeszow Women L 0-2
Poland Cup Women 10/30 12:30 - KSP Kielce Women v Widok Women L 3-1
Widok Women is a talented and dynamic soccer team made up of skilled female athletes who are passionate about the game. With a strong focus on teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship, Widok Women consistently strive for excellence both on and off the field. Their fast-paced and strategic style of play makes them a formidable opponent for any team they face. With a supportive coaching staff and a tight-knit group of players, Widok Women are always pushing themselves to reach new heights and achieve success in every match they play. Whether they are competing in local leagues or national tournaments, Widok Women always bring their A-game and leave it all on the field.