
DOTA2 - Elite League Quals - CN 06/25 10:06 - Spiky Gaming v Dark Horse 0-0
DOTA2 - Elite League Quals - CN 06/24 08:00 - Dark Horse v Spiky Gaming 2-0
DOTA2 - TI Quals CN 06/11 10:30 - Dark Horse v KEV View
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DOTA2 - TI Quals CN 06/09 08:00 1 LGD Gaming v Dark Horse 2-0
DOTA2 - Riyadh Masters Quals 06/03 08:00 - Spiky Gaming v Dark Horse View
DOTA2 - Riyadh Masters Quals 06/02 08:00 - Azure Ray v Dark Horse 2-0
DOTA2 - PGL Wallachia - CN Quals 03/26 05:00 - Team Bright v Dark Horse View
DOTA2 - PGL Wallachia - CN Quals 03/25 11:00 - LGD Gaming v Dark Horse View
DOTA2 - PGL Wallachia - CN Quals 03/25 08:20 - LGD Gaming v Dark Horse 2-0
DOTA2 - DreamLeague - CN Quals 03/23 12:00 - G2.iG v Dark Horse 2-0
DOTA2 - DreamLeague - CN Quals 03/23 08:00 85 KEV v Dark Horse 1-2
Darkhourse is a rising esports team that has quickly made a name for themselves in the competitive gaming scene. Known for their strategic gameplay and skilled players, Darkhourse has proven themselves to be a force to be reckoned with in various esports titles.

With a roster of talented individuals who are dedicated to honing their skills and working together as a cohesive unit, Darkhourse has consistently performed well in tournaments and leagues. Their ability to adapt to different playstyles and outmaneuver their opponents has earned them a reputation as a formidable team in the esports community.

Fans of Darkhourse are drawn to their underdog mentality and their relentless drive to succeed. As they continue to climb the ranks and compete against some of the best teams in the world, Darkhourse is poised to become a dominant force in the esports world. Keep an eye on this team as they continue to make waves and prove that they are a true dark horse in the competitive gaming scene.