Russia Open WD


The Russian Open in badminton was an international open held in Russia since 1993. This tournament is the continuation of the USSR International. In 2007 it became a BWF Grand Prix Gold.

After the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Badminton World Federation (BWF) cancelled all BWF tournaments in Russia.

The Russia Open WD is a highly anticipated badminton tournament held in Russia. It is exclusively dedicated to women's doubles, showcasing the incredible talent and skills of female badminton players from around the world.

This tournament attracts top-ranked players, both established and emerging, who compete fiercely for the coveted title. The Russia Open WD provides a platform for these athletes to showcase their agility, speed, and strategic gameplay, captivating audiences with their exceptional performances.

The tournament is known for its electrifying atmosphere, as passionate badminton enthusiasts gather to witness the intense matches and cheer for their favorite players. The venue is meticulously prepared, offering state-of-the-art facilities and a comfortable setting for both players and spectators.

The Russia Open WD not only promotes the sport of badminton but also fosters international camaraderie and sportsmanship. It serves as a melting pot of cultures, as players from various countries come together to compete and share their love for the game.

With its rich history and tradition, the Russia Open WD has become a prominent fixture in the badminton calendar, attracting global attention and recognition. It is a testament to the growing popularity and competitiveness of women's doubles in the sport.

Overall, the Russia Open WD is a thrilling badminton tournament that showcases the best of women's doubles, providing an unforgettable experience for players and spectators alike.