APOLOGIS 0-1 The Dice 2019-09-09 17:20

APOLOGIS Esport   The Dice
66 66
94 94
31 Headshots 41
75 75
82 82
21 Assists 25

Player statistics

Name (APOLOGIS Esport) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Aurelien Drapier 22 (1.47) 8 (36.36%) 15 5
Gaetan Frerot 20 (0.95) 8 (40.00%) 21 3
Jason Normand 14 (0.70) 10 (71.43%) 20 10
Sebastien Sabbadin 10 (0.53) 5 (50.00%) 19 3
Name (The Dice) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Theo Techene 24 (1.50) 7 (29.17%) 16 6
Paul Barbe 21 (1.40) 12 (57.14%) 15 7
Leo Intronati 19 (1.12) 10 (52.63%) 17 2
Timothee Demolon 16 (1.07) 8 (50.00%) 15 3
Simon Florysiak 14 (0.74) 4 (28.57%) 19 7
APOLOGIS Esport   The Dice
66 66
94 94
31 Headshots 41
75 75
82 82
21 Assists 25

Player statistics

Name (APOLOGIS Esport) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Aurelien Drapier 22 (1.47) 8 (36.36%) 15 5
Gaetan Frerot 20 (0.95) 8 (40.00%) 21 3
Jason Normand 14 (0.70) 10 (71.43%) 20 10
Sebastien Sabbadin 10 (0.53) 5 (50.00%) 19 3
Name (The Dice) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Theo Techene 24 (1.50) 7 (29.17%) 16 6
Paul Barbe 21 (1.40) 12 (57.14%) 15 7
Leo Intronati 19 (1.12) 10 (52.63%) 17 2
Timothee Demolon 16 (1.07) 8 (50.00%) 15 3
Simon Florysiak 14 (0.74) 4 (28.57%) 19 7


1 T
11 0
16 1


  • Best of Sets: 1