The Dice   HellSide
101 101
97 97
45 Headshots 49
97 97
101 101
24 Assists 24

Player statistics

Name (The Dice) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Timothee Demolon 33 (1.83) 20 (60.61%) 18 3
Leo Intronati 19 (1.00) 10 (52.63%) 19 9
Mattheo Canei 17 (0.94) 5 (29.41%) 18 1
Guillaume Veron 17 (0.77) 6 (35.29%) 22 5
Paul Barbe 15 (0.75) 4 (26.67%) 20 6
Name (HellSide) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Florian Bonhomme 23 (1.28) 9 (39.13%) 18 4
Damien Dufour 21 (1.11) 12 (57.14%) 19 4
Clement Mignot 20 (1.00) 13 (65.00%) 20 5
Romain Giunta 20 (0.80) 12 (60.00%) 25 6
Etienne Salaun 13 (0.68) 3 (23.08%) 19 5
The Dice   HellSide
101 101
97 97
45 Headshots 49
97 97
101 101
24 Assists 24

Player statistics

Name (The Dice) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Timothee Demolon 33 (1.83) 20 (60.61%) 18 3
Leo Intronati 19 (1.00) 10 (52.63%) 19 9
Mattheo Canei 17 (0.94) 5 (29.41%) 18 1
Guillaume Veron 17 (0.77) 6 (35.29%) 22 5
Paul Barbe 15 (0.75) 4 (26.67%) 20 6
Name (HellSide) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Florian Bonhomme 23 (1.28) 9 (39.13%) 18 4
Damien Dufour 21 (1.11) 12 (57.14%) 19 4
Clement Mignot 20 (1.00) 13 (65.00%) 20 5
Romain Giunta 20 (0.80) 12 (60.00%) 25 6
Etienne Salaun 13 (0.68) 3 (23.08%) 19 5


1 T
16 1
14 0


  • Best of Sets: 1