No Limit Gaming   Unicorns of Love Unicorns of Love
82 82
82 82
41 Headshots 50
83 83
83 83
19 Assists 14

Player statistics

Name (No Limit Gaming) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Christoph Kroll 21 (1.24) 9 (42.86%) 17 7
Jonathan Steinhofler 17 (1.21) 11 (64.71%) 14 1
Anel Zukic 18 (1.12) 7 (38.89%) 16 1
Roman Czylok 15 (0.88) 8 (53.33%) 17 4
Dimitris Filoxenidis 11 (0.58) 6 (54.55%) 19 6
Name (Unicorns of Love) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Christian Schmitt 23 (1.64) 15 (65.22%) 14 0
Andre Kempa 15 (1.00) 11 (73.33%) 15 0
Oliver Heck 17 (0.89) 10 (58.82%) 19 4
Denim Ameti 12 (0.80) 6 (50.00%) 15 2
Markus Reitenbach 15 (0.75) 8 (53.33%) 20 8
No Limit Gaming   Unicorns of Love Unicorns of Love
82 82
82 82
41 Headshots 50
83 83
83 83
19 Assists 14

Player statistics

Name (No Limit Gaming) Kills (K/D)Headshots (HS)DeathsAssists
Christoph Kroll 21 (1.24) 9 (42.86%) 17 7
Jonathan Steinhofler 17 (1.21) 11 (64.71%) 14 1
Anel Zukic 18 (1.12) 7 (38.89%) 16 1
Roman Czylok 15 (0.88) 8 (53.33%) 17 4
Dimitris Filoxenidis 11 (0.58) 6 (54.55%) 19 6
Name (Unicorns of Love) Kills (K/D)HeadshotsDeathsAssists
Christian Schmitt 23 (1.64) 15 (65.22%) 14 0
Andre Kempa 15 (1.00) 11 (73.33%) 15 0
Oliver Heck 17 (0.89) 10 (58.82%) 19 4
Denim Ameti 12 (0.80) 6 (50.00%) 15 2
Markus Reitenbach 15 (0.75) 8 (53.33%) 20 8


1 T
10 0
16 1


  • Best of Sets: 1