
B8 2-0 Trident Clan 2021-05-20 09:55

B8   Trident Clan
32 32
11 11
78489 78489
Net Worth
55455 55455
75 Assists 17

Player statistics

Name (B8) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
Sergey Timchenko 18 1/5/17 33 6 4485
.' watson; 25 15/0/7 404 12 24362
Vremya v nikud 23 3/2/19 237 19 17060
Alexander Churochkin 19 7/4/15 65 0 10789
Danil Ishutin 25 6/0/17 322 9 21793
Name (Trident Clan) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
4 or idc 16 3/6/3 24 2 6383
Munkushi~ 20 1/5/2 276 10 15985
hard to die 18 4/8/4 177 9 11017
antoha 14 0/9/4 68 3 6289
Yaroslav Vasylenko 21 3/5/4 312 10 15781
B8   Trident Clan
16 16
6 6
39847 39847
Net Worth
30697 30697
42 Assists 10

Player statistics

Name (B8) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
Sergey Timchenko 10 2/1/9 9 8 3675
.' watson; 14 5/1/3 159 12 10726
Vremya v nikud 15 1/0/12 177 11 9726
Alexander Churochkin 13 3/3/9 32 2 3894
Danil Ishutin 14 5/1/9 104 10 11826
Name (Trident Clan) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
4 or idc 10 2/4/3 13 4 3281
Munkushi~ 14 0/3/2 166 6 9686
hard to die 12 1/3/1 107 4 6952
antoha 8 0/4/3 18 1 1858
Yaroslav Vasylenko 14 3/2/1 159 1 8920


1 2 T
1 1 2
0 0 0


  • Map 1 Winner - B8


  • Best of Sets: 3