LowLandLions   The Agency
7 7
17 17
47354 47354
54536 54536
10 Assists 42

Player statistics

Name (LowLandLions) LevelK/D/AMinions
Dylan Rajaud 14 0/4/0 216
Janne Heikkonen 13 4/2/3 173
Stefano Tabarelli 14 2/2/2 279
Max de Beer 13 0/5/2 181
Anders Carly Wind 10 1/4/3 31
Name (The Agency) LevelK/D/AMinions
Radoslav Georgiev 12 3/2/12 35
Joep van Gastel 14 4/3/7 227
Emil Irga 15 1/1/10 211
Robert Martin 15 5/1/9 214
Simon Rihacek 17 4/0/4 260


1 T
0 0
1 1


  • Best of Sets: 1