Gilgandra 2021-07-24 05:54

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 Malzoom Gavin Groth Not Notified
2 Streets Of Suemori Kieren Hazelton Elissa Meredit
3 Elgin Myron Cooper Anthony Cavallo
4 Rapid Eagle Jim Clement Qin Yong(a)
5 The Browzer John Lundholm Jake Pracey-Holmes
6 Pretext's Dream Kelly Smith Liam Blanch(a)
7 Frogmarch Natasha Hall-Antonio Jackson Searle
8 Riva Rialto Kieren Hazelton Clayton Gallagher
9 Manno Todd Howlett Benjamin Osmond
10 Observance N Stagg Not Notified
11 Say Madam Peter W Stanley Kath Bell-Pito
12 Magic Gift Janelle Galea Ashleigh Stanl
13 Chicago Nights Heidi Smith Not Notified
14 Seawatch Wayne Collison Ken Dunbar
15 Zarsupreme Ross Purcell Not Notified
16 Spicy Menu Michael Plummer Chelsea Ings