Mauritius 2021-09-05 11:25

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
0 3rd or better
0 4th or worse
0 2nd or better
0 3rd or worse
1 Alyaasaat G Rousset N Teeha
2 Alshibaa R Maingard P C Orffer
3 Patrol Officer G Rousset B Sooful
4 Marshall Foch G Rousset R Beeharry
5 Opera Royal S Hurchund I Santana
6 The Dazzler S Narang R Joorawon
7 Haylor S Jones A Roy
8 Made To Conquer R Gujadhur Y Emamdee
9 Padre Pio S Jones B Woodworth
10 Stream Ahead C Daby S Rama