Albany 2021-11-26 06:08

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 Polo King D J Jachmann Rosie Mahony(a
2 Powderbelle J M Midgley Taj Dyson(a)
3 1 Can't Get Enough Roy Rogers Jade Mcnaught
4 3 Millivoy Stephen Wolfe Natasha Faithfull
5 Ribbing Stephen Wolfe Peter Knuckey
6 Fries With That Aaron Bazeley Victoria Corver
7 4 Le Wren P B Hunter Jason Whiting
8 Moving On G S Hughes Beaux Banovic-Edwa
9 The Revenge Stephen Wolfe Troy Turner
10 2 Shake Baby Shake Adam Durrant Clint Johnston-Porter
11 Gilt Dragon Aaron Pateman Kate Southam(a