Nowra 2021-12-31 05:45

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 1 Uncle Al Pal R & L Price Brock Ryan
2 Hedge Fund Kerry Parker Adrian Layt
3 Air Command Anthony Cummings Jeff Penza
4 Airliner Terry Robinson Jay Ford
5 All Shine On R & L Price Jordan Mallyon
6 Citric Jason Coyle Jess Taylor
7 Mancconi B M Lazzarini Not Notified
8 Star Of Adelaide
9 3 The Seeker Brad Widdup Jay Ford
10 Gorshin Anthony Cummings Not Notified
11 2 Press Forward Gary Portelli Jean Van Overmeire
12 Racatoon Gwenda Markwell Robyn Freeman-Key
13 Rager Terry Croft Jackson Searle
14 Satness R & L Price Not Notified
15 4 Own The Night Richard Litt Brendan Ward
16 Khumbu
17 Starlander Geoff Hall Troy Phillips