Charles Town 2022-02-13 04:02

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 Fearnought Anthony Rideoutt Keimar Trotman
2 Cats Diamond Boy Ricardo Rangel Jan Marrero
3 1 Jefferson Native Linda Dollinger-Stehr Javier Rivera
4 4 Manhattan Weave Diana McClure Victor Rodriguez
5 6 Nice But Naughty Angelo Jackson Christian Hiraldo
6 Watching Snow Fly Anthony Lucas Gustavo Larrosa
7 Rocket J. Sara Kopecki Marshall Mendez
8 3 Remys Gunsmoke Timothy Grams Kelvin Morales
9 5 My Phoenix John McKee Reshawn Latchman
10 2 Man Of The Cloth Kathleen Hamlin Felino Lima
11 Spirit Of Windsor Timothy Collins Alexis Rios Conde