Valparaiso 2022-05-11 22:34

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 1 Grand Brother S Inda G Perez
2 5 Tiro A Tiro X Urenda B Sancho
3 Don Picho R Silva W Quinteros
4 6 Road King A Norambuena C Poblete
5 4 For The Good Time I Maffud C Ortega
6 2 Cat Bay E Lagunas G Rodriguez
7 Bone Less G Vegas J Zuniga
8 Strong Black W Mancilla F Henriquez
9 Angelito Alan J Garcia F Taun
10 3 Le Campeon S Inda L Rodriguez
11 Baqueano J Gonzalez J Baeza
12 Wings Of Fire E Lagunas N Ramirez