Newcastle 2022-08-11 06:15

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 Down To Earth Ashlee Grives Not Notified
2 Narito Chris Waller James McDonald
3 Peak Legend L J Bridge Ronald Simpson
4 Thrill Of Brazil Kylie Gavenlock Andrew Gibbons
5 Hellivit Kim Waugh Dylan Gibbons
6 Ignacio Chris Waller Tommy Berry
7 Mike Tracey Bartley Patrick Scorse
8 Perfect Thought J G Sargent Keagan Latham
9 Shalatin Joseph Pride Nash Rawiller
10 Taurids Chris Waller Sam Clipperton
11 Union Army G Ryan & S Alexiou Chad Schofield
12 Miss Faberge J G Sargent Ms Rachel King
13 Sleigh Queen John O'Shea Reece Jones
14 Seiryu Michael & Wayne & John Hawkes Brenton Avdulla
15 Strobing Tony Ball Madeline Owen
16 Marcelline Gary Portelli Not Notified
17 Hanwi Gary Nickson Tyler Schiller
18 Lucky Crumpet Justin Bowen Mitchell Bell