Pakenham 2022-08-22 05:00

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 Montenegro Gareth Andrews Sheridan Clarke
2 Draft Day Leon & Troy Corstens Jamie Mott
3 Where's Poppy Thomas Carberry John Allen
4 Oxley Jack Colin Scott Arron Lynch
5 Panagsama Paul Worthington Ethan Brown
6 Sharper Michael Templeton Daniel Moor
7 Merle The Pearl Charlotte Littlefield Billy Egan
8 Brillant Sapphire John Moloney Patrick Moloney
9 Kasparov Peter Moody Luke Nolen
10 Martini Special Jerome Hunter Matthew Chadwick
11 Tread Softly Ben & Jd Hayes Blaike Mcdougall
12 Hanabi Phillip Stokes Zac Spain
13 The Last Charge Wendy Kelly Jack Hill
14 Obsessive Nature Craig Blackshaw Daniel Stackhouse
15 Material Mistress R J Caldwell Liam Riordan
16 Squamanzer Brendan Mccarthy
17 Composed Legend Ronald Stephens Joe Bowditch
18 Lucifer's Reward Brendan Mccarthy