Clare 2022-10-23 04:55

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 Sacred Kiwi Scott Whittle Kristo Sardelic
2 Hey Michael Garret Lynch Jade Hampson(a
3 Bignota Byron Cozamanis Dylan Caboche
4 Is That So Bruce Potter Justin Potter
5 Hurricane Sonny David Page Alice Lindsay(
6 The Albion Darryl Oxlade Jade Doyle(a)
7 Dazzling Harmony D Magro & A Bush Jessica Eaton
8 Sand Cat Emma Hubbard Sairyn Fawke
9 Spears Brett Campbell Ellis Wong(a)
10 Em Bryan Garret Lynch Anna Jordsjo
11 Pollyanna N & A O'Shea & Downing Jacob Opperman
12 Chick In Charge Bob Hannigan Lizzie Annells