Warrnambool 2023-01-08 04:05

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 1 Acquiescent Ciaron Maher & David Eustace Ciaron Maher & David Eustace
2 Dollar Bucks Trudy Cottier Trudy Cottier
3 Kano Quinton Scott Quinton Scott
4 Of The Field Tammy Birnie Tammy Birnie
5 4 Scamster Jamie Edwards Jamie Edwards
6 The Bladesman Danny O'Brien Danny O'Brien
7 Screw Creek Jamie Edwards Jamie Edwards
8 2 Tewkesbury Tony & Calvin McEvoy Tony & Calvin McEvoy
9 Jugan Lindsey Smith Lindsey Smith
10 3 Saintly Rose Damien Hunter Damien Hunter
11 Superior Sam Lindsey Smith Lindsey Smith
12 Unscented Deanne Taylor Deanne Taylor