Team DogChamp   Another NA Team
35 35
18 18
91673 91673
Net Worth
62279 62279
91 Assists 38

Player statistics

Name (Team DogChamp) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
Francis Fundemera 25 15/2/17 318 21 25941
yarin 21 3/6/19 126 5 12352
. 21 5/5/19 281 8 21779
Yuma 24 9/0/16 320 32 23955
Daniel Foster 16 3/5/20 31 6 7646
Name (Another NA Team) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
The Warden 15 2/9/7 77 6 8761
Ryan Liu 18 8/7/5 229 10 14868
Feeling 12 3/9/11 29 18 6193
Argius 20 2/6/8 355 12 19022
Chris Usher 20 3/6/7 171 11 13435
Team DogChamp   Another NA Team
21 21
11 11
57736 57736
Net Worth
37748 37748
35 Assists 20

Player statistics

Name (Team DogChamp) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
Francis Fundemera 20 9/1/7 188 26 15210
yarin 13 1/5/9 62 4 8787
. 16 3/2/8 169 5 13545
Yuma 16 4/1/3 221 21 14795
Daniel Foster 12 4/2/8 23 2 5399
Name (Another NA Team) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
The Warden 10 1/6/4 38 4 3341
Ryan Liu 13 6/5/3 108 10 8982
Feeling 10 0/4/8 34 0 4330
Argius 16 2/4/2 223 4 11456
Chris Usher 14 2/2/3 140 14 9639


1 2 T
37 21 2
18 11 0


  • Best of Sets: 3