Bathurst 2023-02-23 06:10

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds
1 Radegast M R Mulholland M R Mulholland
2 Sapphires Son Tracey Bartley Tracey Bartley
3 3 Colville House M R Mulholland M R Mulholland
4 2 Yak Michael Lunn Michael Lunn
5 1 Kingdom Of Logres Annabel Neasham Annabel Neasham
6 Quest For Honor Mack Griffith Mack Griffith
7 4 Sanctioned Jackie Greentree Jackie Greentree
8 Newfangled Jill Jeremy Gask Jeremy Gask
9 Noble Privilege Ashlee Grives Ashlee Grives
10 Kyanite Carmen Murnane Carmen Murnane
11 Unite The Clans Richard Litt Richard Litt