NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Pretty Castle | Kevin Boykins |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
- 03/23 23:06 |
2 | 2 Wishing For Spring | Ronald Sigler |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
- 03/23 23:06 |
3 | Trace Estate | Jamie Collyer | James Adams |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
- 03/23 23:06 |
4 | Only Romance | Ernesto Perez | Fredy Peltroche |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
- 03/23 23:06 |
5 | Swiss Horizon | Kevin Joy |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
- 03/23 23:06 |
6 | 1 Jackysinthecastle | Ronald Sigler |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
- 03/23 23:06 |
7 | Bowmans Lazy Girl | Elex Bowman | Jan Baez |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
- 03/23 23:06 |
8 | Key To The Castle | Victor Espinosa | Denis Araujo |
SP 03/22 15:18 |
7.000 03/23 14:44 |