Horsham 2023-03-24 02:47

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Slingshot Jasper 1.952
03/24 02:40
03/24 02:47
2 Lord Stanley 1.870
03/24 02:40
03/24 02:47
3 3 Let Me Loose -
03/24 02:47
4 Too Slow 1.870
03/24 02:40
03/24 02:47
5 4 Memento Mori 1.800
03/24 02:40
03/24 02:47
6 Pyrenees Chateau -
03/24 02:47
7 1 Go Go Daisy -
03/24 02:47
8 2 Lady Suzie -
03/24 02:47
9 Spirit Of Panama
9 Spirit Of Panama (Res)