NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | A Beautiful Noise | Malcolm Leys | Malcolm Leys |
101.000 04/01 01:36 |
- 04/02 03:31 |
2 | Angel Of Boom | Dylan Dunn | Dylan Dunn |
15.000 04/01 01:36 |
23.000 04/01 21:43 |
3 | Concrete Fever | Cliff Murray | Cliff Murray |
101.000 04/01 01:36 |
- 04/02 03:31 |
4 | 2 Darra Linen | Paul Kramer | Paul Kramer |
29.000 04/01 01:36 |
- 04/02 03:31 |
5 | 4 Night Eruption | Paul Worthington | Paul Worthington |
17.000 04/01 01:36 |
- 04/02 03:31 |
6 | Aladdin's Lamp | Michael Moroney | Michael Moroney |
21.000 04/01 01:36 |
- 04/02 03:31 |
7 | 1 Great Taste | Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr | Mick Price & Michael Kent Jnr |
4.200 04/01 01:36 |
- 04/02 03:31 |
8 | La Gioia | Jason Warren | Jason Warren |
12.000 04/01 01:36 |
19.000 04/01 21:43 |
9 | 3 Moko | A & S Freedman | A & S Freedman |
1.450 04/01 01:36 |
- 04/02 03:31 |
10 | Queen Of Malwa | R Griffiths & M De Kock | R Griffiths & M De Kock |
19.000 04/01 01:36 |
10.000 04/01 21:43 |