Richmond 2023-04-02 08:17

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 3 Full Pelt -
04/02 08:17
2 4 Chronic Billie -
04/02 08:17
3 Solo Fernando -
04/02 08:17
4 1 Good Odds Amy 2.050
04/02 08:17
04/02 08:17
5 Greysynd Brockie -
04/02 08:17
6 Zipping Pip -
04/02 08:17
7 Barney Big Ears -
04/02 08:17
8 2 What About Mary 1.720
04/02 08:17
04/02 08:17
9 Zipping Striker (Res)
9 Zipping Striker
10 From The Area
10 From The Area (Res)