Kerang 2023-04-08 05:20

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 4 King And King Nathan Hobson Nathan Hobson 15.000
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
2 Savvy Acquisition Austy Coffey Austy Coffey 7.500
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
3 Frank The Yank C J Davis C J Davis
4 3 Galaxy Turf John Rowe John Rowe 4.200
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
5 King Joey Jarrod Robinson Jarrod Robinson 15.000
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
6 Bassons Bob & Kane Post Bob & Kane Post 21.000
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
7 1 Sandblast Kelvin Bourke Kelvin Bourke 5.000
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
8 Fighting Sweet Andrew Bobbin Andrew Bobbin 7.500
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
9 Vittorina Belinda Dunn Belinda Dunn 13.000
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
10 Laststrikeyourout Nicole Dickson Nicole Dickson 34.000
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
11 2 Dance Ready Shawn Mathrick Shawn Mathrick 3.200
04/07 04:42
04/08 05:21
12 Watch Point R J Kelly R J Kelly 61.000
04/07 04:42
04/07 06:15