NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Hula King | Alexis Martinez | Ezequiel Lara |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
2 | Big Endeavor | Jared Brown | Karlo Lopez |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
3 | The Public Halo | Miguel Hernandez | Alexis Valdes |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
1.727 04/11 14:40 |
4 | 1 Many Roses | Cody Axmaker |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
5 | 2 Hello Handsome | Bill Brashears | Glenn Corbett |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
6 | 3 Devil's Teeth | Wendell Matt |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
7 | Parley Street | Riley Rycroft |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
8 | Rancher | Mark Esquibel | Daniel Aguilar |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
9 | Arthur Spooner | Juan Silva |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |
10 | Wear The Crown | Joe Toye | Alex Anaya |
SP 04/10 14:18 |
- 04/11 22:55 |