Canberra 2023-04-14 05:40

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Baledon Ron Stubbs Ron Stubbs 6.500
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
2 Onsettling Down Mike Petrovic Mike Petrovic 29.000
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
3 Propose To Me John Rolfe John Rolfe 23.000
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
4 Retiro Matthew Dale Matthew Dale
5 Crucial Witness Gratz Vella Gratz Vella 7.500
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
6 3 Rhythmboat Natalie Jarvis Natalie Jarvis 6.500
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
7 4 London Gal Scott Collings Scott Collings 4.200
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
8 1 Unique Prince Matthew Dale Matthew Dale 6.000
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
9 2 Merc Barbara Joseph, Paul & Matt Jones Barbara Joseph, Paul & Matt Jones 8.500
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
10 Taylor Be Swift Tash Burleigh Tash Burleigh 11.000
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
11 Keep It Down Norm Gardner Norm Gardner 26.000
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
12 Starliv Matthew Kelley Matthew Kelley 16.000
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41
13 Loafing Keith Dryden Keith Dryden 16.000
04/13 02:07
04/14 05:41