NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | 2nd or better |
2.200 04/14 19:24 |
0 | 3rd or worse |
1.615 04/14 19:24 |
0 | Good Question |
5.000 04/14 19:11 |
4.333 04/14 19:24 |
0 | Go With The Wind |
5.500 04/14 19:11 |
1.727 04/14 19:24 |
0 | Grand Tatakan |
5.000 04/14 19:11 |
6.500 04/14 19:24 |
2 | Aristocrate | P Monfort | M Germain |
13.000 04/14 19:11 |
12.000 04/14 19:14 |
3 | Sekku | Mlle L Rohn-pelvin | G Millet |
17.000 04/14 19:11 |
13.000 04/14 19:24 |
4 | Capable | Mlle L Rohn-pelvin | F Valle Skar |
9.000 04/14 19:11 |
12.000 04/14 19:24 |
7 | Saison Froide | P Cottier | M Grandin |
2.750 04/14 19:11 |
2.500 04/14 19:24 |