Geelong 2023-04-18 06:30

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 King Tommy Mathew Ellerton Mathew Ellerton 81.000
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
2 Tararua Mitchell Freedman Mitchell Freedman 21.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 20:50
3 Conclave Prince Andrew Noblet Andrew Noblet 15.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 21:10
4 Prancing Spirit Phillip Stokes Phillip Stokes 6.500
04/17 00:17
5 Badge James Cummings James Cummings 15.000
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
6 4 The Big Freeze Peter G Moody Peter G Moody 17.000
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
7 Mrs Chrissie Ciaron Maher & David Eustace Ciaron Maher & David Eustace 8.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 03:53
8 Sistine Explorer Andrew Noblet Andrew Noblet 9.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 21:10
9 3 Summit Queen Lindsey Smith Lindsey Smith 17.000
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
10 2 Corner Off Archie Alexander Archie Alexander 3.500
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
11 Dancelittlesister Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young Trent Busuttin & Natalie Young 7.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 20:50
12 1 Lucky Canuck Leon & Troy Corstens Leon & Troy Corstens 23.000
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
13 Celestial Harbour Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) Mick Price & Michael Kent (Jnr) 17.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 21:10
14 Drop The Verse Mathew Ellerton Mathew Ellerton 15.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 20:39
15 Starconi David Brideoake & Matt Jenkins David Brideoake & Matt Jenkins 29.000
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
16 4 Basque Shane Nichols Shane Nichols 61.000
04/17 00:17
04/18 06:34
17 Tantrums John Mcardle John Mcardle 26.000
04/17 00:17
04/17 21:10
18 Lovie May Shea Eden Shea Eden