Gawler 2023-04-25 04:57

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Charlie's Bro Susan Nolan Susan Nolan 17.000
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
2 The Commandant J Dunn & K Bishop J Dunn & K Bishop 81.000
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
3 Gong Him Red G & N Searle & B Callanan G & N Searle & B Callanan 51.000
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
4 Lines Of Glory Phillip Stokes Phillip Stokes 10.000
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
5 2 Punchin Gary Boyce Gary Boyce 5.500
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
6 Grey Folly Trevor Day Trevor Day 51.000
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
7 1 Hostess Susie Roslyn Day Roslyn Day 4.400
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
8 Inagurate Darren Mcleod Darren Mcleod 51.000
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
9 Dunaloce Phillip Stokes Phillip Stokes 3.500
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
10 Just Joking Leon Macdonald & Andrew Gluyas Leon Macdonald & Andrew Gluyas 17.000
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
11 3 Puissy Galore R & C Jolly R & C Jolly 5.500
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
12 4 Vic Reel Peter Hardacre Peter Hardacre 7.500
04/24 04:20
04/25 04:58
13 Shock Reaction J Hickmott & C Riggs J Hickmott & C Riggs 101.000
04/24 04:20
04/24 04:56
14 Dervish J Dunn & K Bishop J Dunn & K Bishop 101.000
04/24 04:20
04/24 04:56
15 Sip Of Soda J Hickmott & C Riggs J Hickmott & C Riggs 101.000
04/24 04:20
04/24 04:56
16 Fluey's Choice David Huxtable David Huxtable 101.000
04/24 04:20
04/24 04:56