NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Dare to Be Great | Karl Grusmark | Jacqueline Davis |
SP 05/07 14:18 |
- 05/08 18:17 |
2 | Avid Sucinori | Carlos Dominguez |
SP 05/07 14:18 |
5.000 05/08 18:17 |
3 | Lady Yellen | John Tebbutt |
SP 05/07 14:18 |
8.000 05/08 18:17 |
4 | Flattery's Music | Michael Sabine | John Jr Davila |
SP 05/07 14:18 |
- 05/08 18:17 |
5 | 1 Easy Play | Ralph D Alessandro |
SP 05/07 14:18 |
7.500 05/08 18:17 |
6 | Roz | Brooke Ficarella |
SP 05/07 14:18 |
7.500 05/08 18:17 |
7 | 2 Pave My Way | M Ferraro |
SP 05/07 14:18 |
5.000 05/08 18:17 |