NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Ampersand | Paul Matchett |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
8.000 05/16 11:37 |
2 | Battle Of Kursk | Roy Magner |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
11.000 05/16 11:37 |
3 | 4 Brenheisen | Candice Dawson |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
2.100 05/16 11:37 |
4 | 2 Dhoni | Sean Tarry | G Lerena |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
- 05/16 11:37 |
5 | Lt Alexander | Barend//Vosloo | J P v'd Merwe |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
- 05/16 11:37 |
6 | 3 We Are The Logans | Tony Peter |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
6.500 05/16 11:37 |
7 | 1 William Iron Arm | Alec Laird |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
3.250 05/16 11:37 |
8 | Shachath | Corne Spies | Kabelo Matsunyane |
SP 05/15 18:06 |
- 05/16 11:37 |