Cannington 2023-05-17 13:52

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Sweet As Candy 2.050
05/17 13:46
05/17 13:53
2 1 El Salvador 1.952
05/17 13:46
05/17 13:53
3 3 Impress Ledecky 1.800
05/17 13:46
05/17 13:53
4 Western Delight -
05/17 13:53
05/17 13:53
5 Owl Thunder -
05/17 13:53
05/17 13:53
6 Give The Nod 1.720
05/17 13:46
05/17 13:53
7 2 Dash Of Reyne -
05/17 13:53
05/17 13:53
8 4 I'm The General -
05/17 13:53
05/17 13:53
9 Lost And Found
9 Lost And Found (Res)
10 Deep Pocket Nod
10 Deep Pocket Nod (Res)