NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Vision Of Wonder | Gavin Smith |
SP 05/18 12:16 |
3.000 05/19 12:28 |
2 | Global Force | Gavin Smith | G Lerena |
SP 05/18 12:16 |
- 05/19 12:28 |
3 | The Winter Lake | Gavin Smith |
SP 05/18 12:16 |
13.000 05/19 12:28 |
4 | 1 Luna Halo | Alan Greeff |
SP 05/18 12:16 |
2.625 05/19 12:28 |
5 | 2 Golden Sickle | Justin Snaith |
SP 05/18 12:16 |
- 05/19 12:28 |
6 | Joy And Peace | Alan Greeff |
SP 05/18 12:16 |
12.000 05/19 12:28 |
7 | Summer Odyssey | Alan Greeff | S Khathi |
SP 05/18 12:16 |
- 05/19 12:28 |