Townsville 2023-05-23 08:35

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 Hidden Radar 1.952
05/23 08:32
05/23 08:35
2 Rio Desperado -
05/23 08:35
3 3 Fat Jack -
05/23 08:35
4 1 Yellow Car -
05/23 08:35
5 Balt's Flying -
05/23 08:35
6 2 Drop Anchor 1.800
05/23 08:32
05/23 08:35
7 4 Balts Assassin -
05/23 08:35
8 Footluce Fever -
05/23 08:35
9 Saruman (Res)
9 Saruman
10 Miss The Deck
10 Miss The Deck (Res)