Gatton 2023-06-01 02:17

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Sombani Vic Heading Vic Heading 81.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
2 2 Malotru Jack Bruce Jack Bruce 21.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
3 Mission To Win Toby & Trent Edmonds Toby & Trent Edmonds 3.000
05/31 01:17
05/31 08:08
4 Oro Chris Munce Chris Munce 10.000
05/31 01:17
05/31 13:17
5 Nirvana Dream Mark Palmer Mark Palmer 81.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
6 Old Man Pat Beau Gorman Beau Gorman
7 3 Lisaili Chris Meagher Chris Meagher 7.500
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
8 Give Me Something Diane G Murphy Diane G Murphy 71.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
9 Light Up The Dawn Bill Brown Bill Brown
10 My Miss Moonpie Danny Bougoure Danny Bougoure
11 Sir Johny Stacey Mesken Stacey Mesken 26.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
12 Spot On Ready Stephanie Sixtus Stephanie Sixtus 17.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
13 4 The Snuggler Brenton Andrew Brenton Andrew 3.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19
14 Squeak Tina Cotsiopoulos Tina Cotsiopoulos 4.000
05/31 01:17
05/31 12:12
15 1 Amalfi Queen Vishan Venkaya Vishan Venkaya 15.000
05/31 01:17
06/01 02:19