Thistledown 2023-05-31 19:50

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 The Kid's Prayer Richard Rettele T Houghton SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
2 1 I'm Jac'd Ivan Vazquez SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
3 My Two Jakes Donaciano Gonzalez Victor Fernandez SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
4 Ghostly Revival Jose Romero Leandro Briceno SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
5 3 Bold Nicky Rachael Maddox SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
6 2 Ratatat Michael Rone SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
7 Shesanothersong Danny Bird Robert Halledeen SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
8 Way Of The World Robert Gorham Erik Barbaran SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
9 Happybdaymrprez Shane Meyers SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56
10 Polly Prissy Pants Michael Rone SP
05/30 14:18
05/31 19:56