Dalby 2023-06-06 05:04

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 4 Charged Jackie Crompton Jackie Crompton 8.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
2 The Rampant Jason Patton Jason Patton
3 Kingham Brenton Andrew Brenton Andrew 15.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
4 1 Birague Paul Butterworth Paul Butterworth 7.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
5 Bull Dimple Rum Neil Hocking Neil Hocking 5.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
6 Electric Ken Jones Ken Jones 7.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
7 Metal Rock Alicia Willick Alicia Willick 8.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
8 Tell The World Craig Smith Craig Smith 12.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
9 2 Rose Of Taormina Tony Potter Tony Potter 5.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
10 3 Timely Shadow Joel Pengilly Joel Pengilly 9.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
11 Top Babe Ron Drysdale Ron Drysdale 5.000
06/05 02:37
06/06 05:07
12 Beach Club Barry Reardon Barry Reardon 26.000
06/05 02:37
06/05 06:47
13 Midnight Boom Indiana Turner Indiana Turner 16.000
06/05 02:37
06/05 12:18
14 Palentiful Geoffrey Schrader Geoffrey Schrader 26.000
06/05 02:37
06/05 21:42
15 Dark Origins Naomi Hemmings Naomi Hemmings 101.000
06/05 02:37
06/05 03:56
16 Modern Family Kym Afford Kym Afford 101.000
06/05 02:37
06/05 08:53