Hawthorne 2023-06-07 20:24

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Gallant Buck Eduardo Rodriguez SP
06/06 14:16
06/07 20:34
2 Don't Box Me In Joel Berndt Olaf Hernandez SP
06/06 14:16
06/07 20:34
3 1 West Warpath Pat Clay SP
06/06 14:16
06/07 20:34
4 Dash To The Cash Ricky Lindsay Christopher Emigh SP
06/06 14:16
06/07 20:34
5 Table Money John Haran SP
06/06 14:16
06/07 20:34
6 2 Sonnyisnotsofunny Michael Reavis SP
06/06 14:16
06/07 20:34