Wentworth Park 2023-06-10 09:28

NC Dog Start Odds End Odds
1 1 Tangible Asset 1.720
06/10 09:24
06/10 09:28
2 2 Key Van 2.050
06/10 09:24
06/10 09:28
3 4 Mork Vision -
06/10 09:28
4 Kiarni Black Ace -
06/10 09:28
5 Bandit Bullet
6 Rockin' Ronnie -
06/10 09:28
7 Ally Kade -
06/10 09:28
8 Pacheco 2.120
06/10 09:24
06/10 09:28
9 3 Loose Zeus 1.680
06/10 09:24
06/10 09:28
9 Loose Zeus (Res)
10 Lucy The Weapon
10 Lucy The Weapon (Res)