NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Bywonner | John Brooks | John Brooks |
41.000 06/17 05:01 |
23.000 06/18 06:41 |
2 | Space Equity | Lindsay Cadzow | Lindsay Cadzow |
23.000 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
3 | Oakfield Geronimo | Paula Trenwith | Paula Trenwith |
11.000 06/17 05:01 |
7.500 06/17 13:51 |
4 | Bunumburt | Bob and Kane Post | Bob and Kane Post |
5.500 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
5 | 4 Obelos | Garret Lynch | Garret Lynch |
5.500 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
6 | Last Dream | Wayne Walters | Wayne Walters | ||
7 | 1 Navillus Excel | Jamie Barry | Jamie Barry |
11.000 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
8 | 2 Benovsky | Bob and Kane Post | Bob and Kane Post |
7.000 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
9 | 3 Our Ellie Rose | Wayne Walters | Wayne Walters |
7.000 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
10 | Scottish Soldier | Scott Irlam | Scott Irlam |
5.500 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
11 | Last Zerprise | Sue & Jason Jaensch | Sue & Jason Jaensch |
7.000 06/17 05:01 |
- 06/18 07:01 |
12 | Tony's Reward | Kym Healy | Kym Healy |
19.000 06/17 05:01 |
15.000 06/17 08:38 |