Gold Coast 2023-06-24 04:19

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Bring The Champers Ben Ahrens Ben Ahrens 21.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
2 1 Boston Of Tuffy Peter Robl Peter Robl 3.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
3 Bridget Wenlock Trevor Lambourn Trevor Lambourn 3.500
06/23 02:35
4 3 Renewed Impact Kris Lees Kris Lees 6.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
5 Sombani Vic Heading Vic Heading 201.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
6 4 Paballo James Moore James Moore 10.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
7 Darabaz Philip Kimmet Philip Kimmet 101.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
8 Is Sweet Jason Patton Jason Patton
9 French Miner Vivian Coombes Vivian Coombes
10 2 In Close Reach Jon Walk Jon Walk 3.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
11 Mr Reddington Phil Bobic Phil Bobic 21.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
12 Tikitiboo K Hickmott K Hickmott 51.000
06/23 02:35
06/24 04:21
13 Kurabenii Ryan Tyrell & Tom Button Ryan Tyrell & Tom Button 21.000
06/23 02:35
06/23 05:58