NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
0 | Iron Cash |
3.250 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
0 | Ibra Du Thenney |
8.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
0 | Igloo Du Leard |
10.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
0 | Ines De Majean |
8.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
0 | Inside Man |
4.500 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
1 | Indra Bold | M Bizoux | M Bizoux |
26.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
3 | In The Wind | B J Crebas | F Desmigneux |
13.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
4 | Iamay Battue | D Moes | Marc Moes |
21.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
5 | Ibernatus | A Lannoo | G Lannoo |
21.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
6 | Ivonic Breiz | L Verva | M Verva |
34.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
8 | Isalio Jido | F Hanot | A Garandeau |
11.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
11 | Impulse Lotois | Mlle C Chassagne | Mlle C Chassagne |
11.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
12 | In The Sun | L Cannaert | David Lefevre |
34.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |
14 | Ideal Du Biston | J Koubiche | J Koubiche |
11.000 06/26 16:40 |
- 06/26 17:11 |