NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Dark Dawn | Noel Watson | Noel Watson | ||
2 | Grisbi's Pal | Christopher Davis | Christopher Davis |
11.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
3 | 4 Intriguing State | Saab Hasan | Saab Hasan |
10.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
4 | 1 Isdell | Cheryl Weller | Cheryl Weller |
5.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
5 | Leica Trooper | Robert Hickmott | Robert Hickmott |
2.800 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
6 | Mr Rouquin | Ben & Jd Hayes | Ben & Jd Hayes |
10.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
7 | The Black Panther | Michael Huglin | Michael Huglin |
15.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
8 | Koa Miss | Michael Jones | Michael Jones |
31.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
9 | Ms Melisandre | Alicia MacPherson | Alicia MacPherson |
126.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
10 | 3 Out Of The Shadows | Dona McQueen | Dona McQueen |
5.500 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
11 | 2 Qubella | Rhys Archard | Rhys Archard |
7.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
12 | Rumour Lane | Andrew Bobbin | Andrew Bobbin | ||
13 | Vancouver Miss | Alicia MacPherson | Alicia MacPherson |
126.000 06/30 06:53 |
- 07/01 03:17 |
14 | Cheeky Kevin | Brett Scott | Brett Scott | ||
15 | Persuasive Star | Geoff Brunsdon | Geoff Brunsdon |
51.000 06/30 06:53 |
41.000 06/30 07:41 |
16 | Haunui | Gary Bridges | Gary Bridges |
101.000 06/30 06:53 |
81.000 06/30 07:41 |