NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | Boom Gate | Andrew Cameron | Andrew Cameron |
41.000 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
2 | Expresso Love | Danny Bougoure | Danny Bougoure |
3.200 07/07 03:32 |
5.000 07/07 09:53 |
3 | Rising Star | Gillian Heinrich | Gillian Heinrich |
8.500 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
4 | 2 He's The News | Kelly Schweida | Kelly Schweida |
3.200 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
5 | Top Boy | John Smerdon | John Smerdon |
8.500 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
6 | 1 Bowrider | Jay Bellamy | Jay Bellamy |
8.500 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
7 | 4 Exolay | Lauren Abbott | Lauren Abbott |
10.000 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
8 | Roman Heir | Diane Murphy | Diane Murphy | ||
9 | Sienna's Award | Harold Norman | Harold Norman |
26.000 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
10 | Tuki Twelve | Gillian Heinrich | Gillian Heinrich |
10.000 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
11 | 3 Biggie | Emma Hargrave | Emma Hargrave |
26.000 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
12 | He's The King | Adam Campton | Adam Campton |
13.000 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |
13 | Kiki Coco | Rochelle Pereira | Rochelle Pereira |
21.000 07/07 03:32 |
- 07/08 04:52 |