Grafton 2023-07-13 04:10

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Bellzen David Matts David Matts 5.500
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
2 2 Captain Underpantz Steven Wise Steven Wise 9.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
3 3 Listen To Maurice Sally Taylor Sally Taylor 16.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
4 Blue Canasta Stirling Osland Stirling Osland 4.400
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
5 Fay's Angels Ms K Owen Ms K Owen 31.000
07/10 07:26
07/12 11:47
6 Kyogle Kid Chris O'Reilly Chris O'Reilly 34.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
7 Sacred Delago Mark Ostini Mark Ostini 12.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
8 4 Enterprise Phoenix John Shelton John Shelton 23.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
9 Golden Breeze Margaret De Gonneville Margaret De Gonneville 5.500
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
10 Are We Good Tony Ball Tony Ball 16.000
07/10 07:26
11 1 Proud With Pride Brett Cavanough Brett Cavanough 10.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
12 Personal Space Cathleen Rode Cathleen Rode 16.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
13 The Polenitsa Todd Payne Todd Payne 29.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
14 Robin Sparkles Neil Osborne Neil Osborne 31.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
15 Eastowin John Shelton John Shelton 15.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
16 Anazarli Lea Selby Lea Selby 81.000
07/10 07:26
07/13 04:13
17 My Friend Diamond Shannon Manwarring Shannon Manwarring 71.000
07/10 07:26
07/12 09:48
18 Peano Grigio Stephen Lee Stephen Lee 61.000
07/10 07:26
07/12 09:48
19 Spring Wellness Joseph Burges Joseph Burges 17.000
07/10 07:26
20 La Marsa Neil Godbolt Neil Godbolt 81.000
07/10 07:26
07/12 08:57