Northam 2023-07-13 05:40

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Millivoy Stephen Wolfe Stephen Wolfe 5.500
07/12 01:07
07/12 02:25
2 Renato C & M Gangemi C & M Gangemi 2.700
07/12 01:07
07/13 05:41
3 1 Art Of Sabrage Simon A Miller Simon A Miller 2.300
07/12 01:07
07/13 05:41
4 The Republican Duncan F Wilson Duncan F Wilson 13.000
07/12 01:07
07/13 05:41
5 Big Cities Brett Pope Brett Pope 7.000
07/12 01:07
07/13 05:41
6 Jarman G P Jones G P Jones 41.000
07/12 01:07
07/13 05:41
7 Bayzel Brian Kersley Brian Kersley 31.000
07/12 01:07
07/13 05:41
8 2 Horizon Greg Carige Greg Carige 41.000
07/12 01:07
07/13 05:41