Devonport 2023-07-16 01:45

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Alotrhonn Stephen Shaw Stephen Shaw 21.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
2 Geegees Big Bird Stuart Gandy Stuart Gandy 51.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
3 Origami Blue Drew Tyson Drew Tyson 17.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
4 Upward And Onward Shirley Berger Shirley Berger 19.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
5 Clover Hill Barry Baker Barry Baker 15.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
6 4 Coronation Ally Sigrid Carr Sigrid Carr 17.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
7 Mindful John Blacker John Blacker 15.000
07/15 01:01
07/15 21:32
8 2 Muisca Leanne Gaffney Leanne Gaffney 7.500
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
9 Prosperous Miss Paul Hill Paul Hill 19.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
10 3 Stars In The Night Graeme Mcculloch Graeme Mcculloch 4.200
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
11 1 Ian's Finale Cameron Thompson Cameron Thompson 3.800
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
12 Shootingforwhealan L & D & T Wells L & D & T Wells 4.200
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
13 Starcadia Peter Luttrell Peter Luttrell 21.000
07/15 01:01
07/16 01:46
14 Soulita Shirley Berger Shirley Berger 34.000
07/15 01:01
15 Better Than Banksy G S White G S White 26.000
07/15 01:01
16 Be Kinder Marion Dalco Marion Dalco 26.000
07/15 01:01