Grafton 2023-07-16 03:50

NCHorseTrainerJY Start Odds End Odds
1 Charles Rennie Lisa Sheppard Lisa Sheppard 19.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
2 Crown Reach Dwayne Schmidt Dwayne Schmidt 51.000
07/15 00:23
07/15 03:26
3 Fly With You Adam Campton Adam Campton
4 Oojah Capow Aiden St Vincent Aiden St Vincent
5 Pharose Dwayne Schmidt Dwayne Schmidt 51.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
6 Prince Of Pop Jason Reilly Jason Reilly 6.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
7 1 Zanardee's Lane Sally Taylor Sally Taylor 5.500
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
8 Chilling Me Softly Matthew Dunn Matthew Dunn 17.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
9 3 Kirsten Stephen Lee Stephen Lee 3.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
10 Li'l Miss Hellcat Cathy Chapman Cathy Chapman 12.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
11 Queen Of Elegance Dwayne Schmidt Dwayne Schmidt 101.000
07/15 00:23
12 2 Rox'n'rol John Shelton John Shelton 6.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
13 Sharp And Hot Dwayne Schmidt Dwayne Schmidt 16.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
14 Yurok Ethan Ensby Ethan Ensby 12.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
15 Specimen Hill Amy Usher Amy Usher 101.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
16 4 A Notion Aiden St Vincent Aiden St Vincent 19.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
17 Braids Peter Evans Peter Evans 101.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53
18 Exquisite Bel Chris O'Reilly Chris O'Reilly 101.000
07/15 00:23
07/16 03:53