NC | Horse | Trainer | JY | Start Odds | End Odds |
1 | 2 Pals Ally | Luis Gutierrez | Jhovany Paredes |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
- 07/19 20:50 |
2 | Magnificent Mags | Wayne Sparling | Rafael Jr Rohena |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
8.000 07/19 09:49 |
3 | 3 Yes Your Honor | Dylan Clarke | Jose Baez |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
- 07/19 20:50 |
4 | Central Capital | David Rivera | Andre Worrie |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
- 07/19 20:50 |
5 | Wine Trail | Michael Progno | Heman Harkie |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
- 07/19 20:50 |
6 | All About Bella | Paul Barrow |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
3.750 07/19 20:50 |
7 | 1 Miss Circular Gal | Luis Gutierrez |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
2.750 07/19 20:50 |
8 | Scarf | Dylan Clarke | Oscar Gomez |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
- 07/19 20:50 |
9 | Dare to Be Great | Karl Grusmark |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
3.250 07/19 20:50 |
10 | Lucky Long Legs | Tina Chamberlin | Dean Frates |
SP 07/18 14:17 |
- 07/19 20:50 |